Sunday, November 18, 2007

KLSD AM 1360 San Diego

I think Stacy and the gang had a very clever, unique, definitely funny show that cannot be duplicated. Stacy, Scooter, Craig and all the rest of the crew were a breath of fresh air to the Community of San Diego. I understand the argument about why this show is no longer running but I don't accept it. Even if it was true... Is it really all about money and sponsorship? Don't the airwaves belong to the local Community? Is Clear Channel nothing more than a parasite on the San Diego airwaves or is it something more? Right now, with a Sports Channel on 1360, I think we are being used and denied our rights as citizens to hear the truth. Today, we are living in a wasteland of AM radio. This is anti-democratic and is more like the old Soviet Union or what is going on in Pakistan right now. Come on Clear Channel, put what is best for the Community of San Diego than your profits. I don't know about anyone else here but I do not listen to AM radio right now and will not listen until I hear that we have a decent Progressive format here again in San Diego. Thank you.